Monday, August 25, 2014

Been awhile! Here's what's been up.

Hello again friends!
Remember when I said I would work on keeping this blog updated and fresh?
Yeah, me neither.  The last post was Dec. 13th of last year!
Ahh well, what's 9 months between posts?
A lot has been happening in my slowly progressing new quest of a source of income.
I've been steadily narrating books (between working) and feel I'm getting much better at it.
It's like anything, the more you do something, the more proficient you become at it.

The ACX Narrator and Producer group that I admin on Facebook keeps on growing.
Almost 800 members now!
I've had to get pickier about who I let in the group lately.  You pretty much have to be able to prove to me that you do business on ACX to join.  I've never really considered myself an organizer, but I know a good rule of invention is; "If you find a need, fill it." That's kind of what I did with the ACX group. 

The page has surpassed all of my expectations and is an invaluable resouce for anyone who works through ACX.  The comradierie is amazing. It's a great place to network, and humor and snark run rampant!
If you do businees on ACX and haven't joined, go here now and join!

Here's what I've done since my last post.
I finished up Apocalycious by Kurt Helms and it's available now here:

I also did a few more books for Michael Hearing right here:

And, most exciting for me was the release of 
Survivors of the Dead: From the Ashes by Tony Baker.
This has been selling well and has good reviews too!
It's the first of an at least 3 book series.
Check it out here:

And, finally, I've just wrapped up a book I'm really excited about.
It's Milk Blood by Mark Matthews.
Freaky story not for the faint of heart. (I play a 10 year old girl who is a herion addict)
It's not for sale yet, but will be soon, so be on the lookout for this one in audiobook format:

Now, if you've read this far down, here is what I'll start working on this week.
I'm excited about this one too!
This is also a first in a series of books.
The Many Tubs of Tom by Mary Moody

And to those of you who have made it down this far into the blog, I passed an early milestone in my ACX career recentley. I blew right past the 1.000 sales mark, and currently almost to 1,200 total sales!!!
And.....My reviews are getting much better.
The snowball just keeps on rolling.
Also, one of my goals since starting the production of audiobooks, has been to become an 
"Audible Approved" producer. Wish me luck please. 
Until I get a "real" website (which will be soon), you can keep up with me here, or, even better, friend me on Facebook. Here:
  And join the group! Here:
Until next time, (not so long, I promise) thank you all!

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